Cancellation Notice: 2020 Joint IAA & BMF Conference
April 4, 2020
The Board of Directors for the IAA and BMF have been paying close attention to COVID-19 as it has quickly escalated into a pandemic, as declared by the World Health Organization. We are taking this very seriously, and as we consider the health and safety of our members, as well as that of our patients and family members, we have made the difficult, but necessary, decision to cancel the 2020 Lima Conference in July. The epidemiological curve is not flattening in most countries worldwide. As stakeholders around cancer patients and other at-risk groups, we cannot be part of any space for dissemination.
In addition to our first priority of protecting our members and those with whom we come in contact, we also have the important responsibility of protecting the associations from financial risk related to unpredictable conference attendance. We are fortunate that we were able to provide adequate notice to the conference hotel in Lima to avoid any financial loss, and can now focus our efforts on planning an exciting alternative to an in-person meeting.
Despite the very unfortunate circumstances leading to this change of plans, we see this as a unique and positive opportunity to transform the way our members access information and to encourage greater participation around the world. We are currently exploring other options for 2020 to provide a conference-like experience including a virtual or digital meeting and/or webinars as a way to bring high-quality information to our members and others interested in our profession. The IAA Board and committees appreciate your patience as we consider our options, keeping the best interest of members in mind, and will share more detailed information as soon as it becomes available.
For those who have already registered for the meeting: Thank you, and we apologize for the inconvenience. All refunds will be processed within 5 business days.
For those who submitted abstracts for the Lima meeting or accepted an invitation to present: Thank you! We hope that you'll consider participating in our conference alternative, whatever the format. We will be in touch with more details.
We welcome your feedback and suggestions as we make plans for the future during an unpredictable time. We send our best wishes to all of you around the world. Take good care.
Thank you,
IAA & BMF Board of Directors